Thursday, November 8, 2012

Four Ways to Mark Your Bible Study Book

The Fall Book Study will meet at my house on Sunday, November 18 at 6:00 pm. You can come to the study or read along at home. I hope many will come because we will have great discussions, fellowship and snacks. We will start in my home and decide which home to go to next. I hope for us to meet every other Sunday. Please pray about asking someone outside the church to attend. Give them a copy of the book if you have an extra.

Our book is Delighting in the Trinity, by Michael Reeves.

I have asked all those who are planning to attend to read the introduction and first chapter in preparation for our first meeting. I have some suggestions about how to mark your book as you read. These markings will help you keep track of things that would be good to discuss together as a group.

In addition to whatever other markings and notes you make, here are four things to note:
  1. I like this. Make a note of something you thought was well-stated, clear, or encouraging. 
  2. I want to know more. Note anything that inspires your curiosity or raises unanswered questions. Note topics that you would enjoy studying more deeply later or that you wish had been discussed in more detail. 
  3. I do not understand. Note anything that confuses you or you think is not explained well. 
  4. I disagree. Mark statements that cross you the wrong way, that you think are stated poorly, or that you believe are wrong. 
These highlight your book in ways that will prepare you to contribute to our discussions when we meet together. As a sort of legend, you may want to write these in the front or back of your book and give each of them a number. When you underline something in the text, you can then write the number in margin rather than writing the whole phrase. Enjoy your reading! I hope it stirs your imagination and strikes up your curiosity.

1 comment:

  1. I like to mark books as I read, and I like your marking suggestions. Sometimes I never get questions answered.
    Becky P.
